Adventure Bandits

Welcome to the Vlog! We are The Bandits! AKA – Talmange and Ashanti, our channel is about capturing great memories everywhere we go as a husband-and-wife team; by sharing our excitement for camping, boating and traveling. No place is to far to travel and no camping trip are too boring because we love making memories on each adventure. We originally started our vlog to share with family and friends, it has now become a passion to share with all because we love the memories and fun times we have, especially when we meet great people along the way. Our motto is to live, laugh and love. We appreciate all of you that have watched and subscribed to our channel. Please don’t forget to hit the bell so you will be notified when a new video is uploaded. If you like the video, please also give it a thumbs up and comment when you can, we enjoy reading the comments and responding. If you have any suggestions, please share.

Adventure Bandits

Welcome to the Vlog! We are The Bandits! AKA – Talmange and Ashanti, our channel is about capturing great memories everywhere we go as a husband-and-wife team; by sharing our excitement for camping, boating and traveling. No place is to far to travel and no camping trip are too boring because we love making memories on each adventure. We originally started our vlog to share with family and friends, it has now become a passion to share with all because we love the memories and fun times we have, especially when we meet great people along the way. Our motto is to live, laugh and love. We appreciate all of you that have watched and subscribed to our channel. Please don’t forget to hit the bell so you will be notified when a new video is uploaded. If you like the video, please also give it a thumbs up and comment when you can, we enjoy reading the comments and responding. If you have any suggestions, please share.

Let’s go make some memories

Find Your Next Destination
why choose us



traveling is fun

Traveling is one of life’s greatest joys, and for good reason. Whether it’s exploring new destinations, immersing yourself in different cultures, or simply taking a break from the daily grind, there are countless reasons why traveling is fun. One of the most exciting aspects of travel is the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new and exciting things.

exploring new destinations

From trying new foods to participating in unique activities, traveling allows you to expand your horizons and broaden your perspective. Traveling also provides a chance to disconnect from the distractions of daily life and focus on the present moment. From beautiful sunsets to breathtaking landscapes, the simple act of being in a new place can bring a sense of awe and wonder. Another reason why traveling is so much fun is the opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge.


exploring new destinations

From trying new foods to participating in unique activities, traveling allows you to expand your horizons and broaden your perspective. Traveling also provides a chance to disconnect from the distractions of daily life and focus on the present moment. From beautiful sunsets to breathtaking landscapes, the simple act of being in a new place can bring a sense of awe and wonder. Another reason why traveling is so much fun is the opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge.


knowledge & Memories

 From visiting historical sites to learning about different cultures and traditions, traveling is an excellent way to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of the world. Finally, traveling is a great way to have fun and make lasting memories. Whether it’s the laughter shared with friends or the thrill of experiencing new things, traveling creates memories that will last a lifetime.

 In conclusion

Traveling is a fun and enriching experience that provides a much-needed escape from the monotony of daily life. So why not pack your bags, and set out on a journey filled with adventure and discovery? Join us on our journey as we pack our bags and hit the roads In our RV.

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